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Event #1: UGA vs. Coastal Carolina

On Saturday, September 17th, I attended a football game against Coastal Carolina in Sanford Stadium. The Bulldogs won the game 59-0. There were many people that may have not been as noticed as the players playing between the hedges. There were the venders, walking up and down the aisles selling drinks and other things to the very thirsty spectators that were in the hot sun. There were also the event staff that made sure that everyone was behaving as they should and made sure that things did not get out of hand. There were also the camera crews that provided the game for the local television stations and for the replays on the screen. There were also the people that take care of the (temporary) mascot, Russ, to make sure that the dog is always happy.

A variety of messages were presented at the game. There were many messages about not drinking and driving and about not texting and driving to remind all of the spectators, especially the college students, about the dangers that are presented with these actions and driving. There were also promotions for the academic experience of UGA to remind the spectators that there is a lot more to UGA than the football game currently. Also, there were promotions for other sports to get spectators from the most popular sport to come and support the other athletics of UGA.

If I were a visitor to UGA, I would be a little disappointing in the crowd support at this particular game because the stands were pretty much empty going into the fourth quarter. However, the spectators from Coastal Carolina probably have not experienced a game with nearly the crowd support that was there, at least at the beginning of the game, so they would leave with the impression that the atmosphere at UGA is incredible. They would also be impressed with the academic promotions and the encouragement for further support of other athletics and not just all about football.

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