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Event 3- Homecoming Parade

On Friday, November 4th, I attended my first UGA Homecoming Parade.  Unfortunately, it was nothing like I anticipated.  It was very short and there were very few students in attendance.

The participants in the parade were President Adams, the Homecoming Court, last year’s King and Queen, the cheerleaders, the band, Russ the Bulldog, some JROTC Cadets, a few floats made by sororities and fraternities, and some older gentlemen in old cars.  Most of the spectators were families with small children and there were very few UGA students in attendance. The participants in the parade did throw out candy to the spectators and this made the children in attendance excited and happy.

If I had been a visitor to UGA I would have gotten the wrong impression that UGA does not have a lot of school spirit since there were so few students in attendance.  I think that the school should work to make it a bigger event and promote it more with students.

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