Home > Uncategorized > Event 2: UGA Women’s Soccer Game

Event 2: UGA Women’s Soccer Game

I went to the UGA-Mercer women’s soccer game at the UGA soccer complex earlier this season.  I was unsure what to expect from a college soccer game.  This particular game was a promotional night that was being called a “Futbol Fiesta.”  Every fan received a free sombrero upon entrance into the game which had free admission anyway.  The promotional staff was active all night as the sombrero giveaway was not the only promotion on that night.  At halftime, there was a Burger King Dress Like a King competition which two fans were able to participate in.  The other halftime festivity was a burrito eating competition sponsored by Willy’s.  I was one of the five lucky fans to be in the competition.  Although I did not win, it was still fun to experience a competition during the game as a fan. 

Through my experience at the game, I noticed how much different college soccer games are as compared to a football game.  Most information given to the fans were about sponsors.  Since they did not take admission, they have to get some money to offset some of the costs of having a soccer program.  The turnout to the game was pretty good with families making up the large majority of the crowd.  The game was a family and fan friendly environment for all to enjoy.

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